About us
ELITE Animal Bedding is an exciting new development from ELITE Paper Solutions, a unique Social Enterprise based in Merthyr Tydfil. We're a multi-award winning enterprise, providing organisations throughout Wales with the provision of confidential destruction, archive storage, and document scanning, and now Animal Bedding too.
ELITE Paper Solutions was established in 2015 to provide vocational opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged people. We provide a range of employment, training and volunteering opportunities to over 300 people, aged 14 to 65+, in their development of vocational experiences and economic activity. Our workforce includes people who had previously been economically inactive, either due to their disability or circumstances. Day to day, we include tasks that are fully inclusive for people with disabilities. We're extremely proud of our fully inclusive workplace. We've engaged with over 300 disabled and disadvantaged people at our social enterprise and supported them in their journeys to gain paid employment, work experience or volunteer opportunities.
We also see ourselves as a stepping stone, allowing people with disabilities and those at a disadvantage to gain valuable skills & experience at our facility before moving on and progressing within their local community.
We are a carbon-friendly enterprise. Every item that we shred is recycled and re-purposed into new products. Prompted by the pandemic, we decided that rather than bale and send our clean cardboard for recycling, we could shred, package and resell the cardboard for reuse as an environmentally-friendly alternative to animal bedding.
Our cardboard is an excellent source of carbon, providing micro-organisms with nutrients and energy. Used bedding will naturally break down, making it perfect for composting!
Some of our staff
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Find out more about our recycled bedding
ELITE Animal Bedding is an environmentally friendly bed, using used post-consumer corrugated cardboard cut finely into small strips, creating a unique design which helps to increase absorbency whilst maintaining a warm insulated barrier..